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Looking for wisdom: Philosophy in your Inbox. Get free weekly updates on history’s most subtle and fascinating thinkers, delivered straight to your inbox.
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Looking for wisdom: Philosophy in your Inbox. Get free weekly updates on history’s most subtle and fascinating thinkers, delivered straight to your inbox.
I’ve Ben Thinking is a blog newsletter from me, Ben Testani. I try to publish two times a week. I cover topics facing the youngest generation, Gen Z, trying to bring a fresh leftist perspective to the issues we face.
I’ve Ben Thinking is written and edited by me. It was launched in December of 2020.
I started IBT for two reasons. One is because I was tired of thinking to myself “I could do that” whenever I read a great blog post or watched an informative YouTube video and wanted to prove to myself that yes, I can do that. The second reason is that writing is fun.
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Don't bother reading this. I still need to fix this ;-) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pretium elit quis dui fringilla et aliquet nulla malesuada. Mauris ullamcorper adipiscing risus. Fusce eget nibh viverra tortor auctor sodales ac nec neque.